
Impressum - Imprint

Information according to § 5 DDG, § 2 DL-InfoV and § 18 MStV


modular automation GmbH
Daimlerweg 3
D-64293 Darmstadt

Telephone +49 (0)6151 8701 090
Fax +49 (0)6151 8701 0999


General Manager: Gerhard Nüßle, Katja Nüßle

Register Court: Local Court Darmstadt, HRB 9571

Sales tax identification number according to § 27a UStG: DE 217 803 962

Responsible for the contents according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Claudio Nüßle, address see above

References for the images and graphics used:

Fotolia -
© Alex White / Fotolia, file: #85349735
© industrieblick/ Fotolia, files: #70841051, #59130046, #84402644
© shock / Fotolia, file: #40537579
© vege / Fotolia, file: #83504418



Unless otherwise stated all tradenames on our web site are protected by law. This statement applies in particular to tradenames, type names, company logos and emblems. The tradenames and design elements used on our pages are the intellectual property of modular automation GmbH.



This web site has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, modular automation GmbH cannot provide any warranty as to the freedom from errors or accuracy of the information provided. modular automation GmbH excludes any liability for damages that result from the direct or indirect usage of this web site, provided these are not due to wilful intent or gross negligence on our part.



The intellectual property on our web site such as patents, tradenames and copyright is protected. No licence to utilise the intellectual property of modular automation GmbH or third parties is granted by this web site.